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:: Legion (Main)
Website last updated: July 10, 2016

Finally, after all these years, it's really happening! Release date is October 25th, and additional special features will be announced at a later date. I guess the lost footage wasn't "lost" or "destroyed" after all, thank God!

If I hear anything else, it will be posted here.


You’ve heard the rumors for months... and they’re all true! William Peter Blatty’s cult favorite THE EXORCIST III will be bearing its cross on a 2-disc Collector’s Edition Blu-ray set from us on October 25th.

Extras (of which there are tons of) are underway and will be announced at a date in Late Summer / Early Fall. The newly-designed front-facing artwork from Joel Robinson you see here is final (not pictured is the reverse wrap image which will showcase the original theatrical poster art.) Early pre-order now directly from us @ and receive a free 18" x 24" poster of the new art (while supplies last) plus early shipping!

We know that the biggest question you might have is: Will there be a “Director’s Cut” of the film? The answer is yes—but with some caveats. We are working on putting together a version that will be close to Blatty’s original script using a mixture of various film and video tape sources that we have been provided with. This is still a work in progress and we will update you with more details at the time we announce the full list of bonus materials.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to remind readers of Bill's TRILOGY OF FAITH, which he actually revised back in 2011 if you missed it. Click the link below to read more:

Dear Ryan,

         While I still have access to a sufficient number of neurons, I would like to use your site to correct a misapprehension that I see still turning up here and there, including on Amazon's Exorcist site, namely that I consider The Ninth Configuration to be the sequel to The Exorcist.Did I ever say that? Who knows: I'm almost 84 years old. But I think this misapprehension might well be traceable to Mark Kermode, who long ago named The Exorcist, The Ninth Configuration and Legion "The Trilogy of Faith." Or not. But today  the three of my works I would link together are The Exorcist, Legion and Dimiter. The Exorcist argues for God's existence in a very general way while Legion approaches it in a very specific, evidential way that to a great extent involves  intelligent design. In Legion there is a dream sequence in which the Humphrey Bogart of Casablanca criticizes Lt. Kinderman for leaving Christ out of the equation, to which Kinderman replies that he intends to include him.  Dimiter is the fulfillment of Kinderman's promise. To quote from A Man For All Seasons, "I trust I make myself obscure."


Posted on July 10, 2016 | Discuss This Post


:: Miscellaneous Additions

NOTE: As of September 17th, a review of Spicediver's fan edit of LEGION has been posted on the main site -

Here are a bunch of miscellaneous Legion-related additions that I have been meaning to add for the past several months. Enjoy!

:: Legion cast/crew shirt (click images to enlarge):


:: Preparing the artwork for the recent Cemetery Dance release of "The Exorcist/Legion":

:: Newly-discovered Filmfax Legion-related article:


:: Very neat (though expensive) neon display piece promoting Legion (The Exorcist III) when it was released in cinemas. This appeared on eBay a while back:


:: Rare advance reading copy of the novel:

:: PDF copy of The Exorcist III production notes (extensive!):

:: Set of five rare photos/promotional shots (the latter two are cropped from the aforementioned Filmfax article):



Posted on August 27, 2011 | Discuss This Post


:: A Legion Of Articles

My long-time online/Blatty companion Mike Garrett was kind enough to snail-mail me a vast array of magazine pages and clippings related directly to Legion. The scans have all finally been made and uploaded, and can be viewed below.

Please bear in mind that this LEGION section of houses several articles, and some of these may overlap in this new batch of scanned items. However, some may also be exclusive to the site, so it's a good idea to take a look at both lots if you get the chance. Here are the ones that are already housed at

And here are the new items! -


Posted on June 18, 2011 | Discuss This Post


:: Mark Kermode On "Legion"

As previously posted in January of 2009, here is the same footage of Mark Kermode discussing the lost material from Legion (The Exorcist III). Here, he mentions that the search for it is an "ongoing project". There is also a brief clearing up of certain facts pertaining to the legendary "spider walk" scene from the original "Exorcist" film towards the end. YouTube embedded for your viewing pleasure.



Posted on January 13, 2010 | Discuss This Post


:: Rare Illustrations By Daren R. Dochterman

Be sure to check out the following website to view a couple of very exclusive Legion-related images, created by Daren R. Dochterman, Assistant to Production Designer for The Exorcist III film:

The first image depicts a sketch of the shears that Patient X would eventually use to decapitate victims in the film; the second, a proposed logo design for back when it was tentatively titled "The Exorcist 1990" -


Posted on July 2, 2009 | Discuss This Post


:: Cemetery Dance Issue #62

Yet more exciting information from! I have decided to post this news on both the main page and here in the Legion section, since the issue is set to contain some very exclusive Legion-related material:

"Cemetery Dance #62, the William Peter Blatty special issue, is currently being proofread and will be ready for the printer at the end of July, right on schedule for the September release date. We haven't posted the contents on our website just yet, but if you look to the right, you'll see a small preview of the amazing Les Edwards cover artwork for the issue. And if you subscribe today, you won't have to worry about picking up the issue on your local newsstand when it comes out!"


Posted on July 1, 2009 | Discuss This Post


:: Rare Promo Photo Located

The elusive "E-9" black and white promo photo has now been located and can be found in the Rare Images / Video, Etc > Miscellaneous Images section.

You will notice that "E-11" is still listed as missing. If you are in possession of it, or are able to provide an image, please use the "Contact" link in the menu above and send me an e-mail.


Posted on June 21, 2009 | Discuss This Post


:: Miscellaneous Additions

**June 20 additional updates:**

You can now find scans of the December 1990 edition of "FEAR" magazine here:

Previous scans, such as the July 1990 and May 1993 editions, can be found here:

Another nice little piece of miscellanea was found in a library edition copy of Legion, within the acknowledgements section. Anyone familiar with the novel is aware of "The Angel" theory mentioned by Kinderman at the novel's conclusion:

In the novel, the coda was needed to put a button on what the novel was all about -- Kinderman's rescue of God's goodness via his theory of "The Angel," which hypothesized that the fall of man was premundane; that before the Big Bang, mankind was a single angelic being who fell from grace and was given his transformation into the material universe as a means of salvation wherein his legion of fragmented personalities would spiritually evolve ("Can there be a moral act without at least the possibility of pain?") back into the original single angelic being, back into himself, a process foreshadowed on the opening page of The Exorcist ("that matter was Lucifer upward groping back to his God").

More info can be found in this section of

 Here, Bill states where the idea originally came from:

***End of June 20 additional updates***

As mentioned in the recent post from May 23 (on the main page), here is the "miscellaneous" Legion content that I have had sitting around. Alternatively, you can find the TNC miscellanea/updates in the TNC section of the website.

Firstly, four new reviews can be found in the The Exorcist III (Film) location, those being:

Fangoria Magazine Issue #95 - Scans from issue #95 of Fangoria magazine - August 1990.

Film Review Magazine - November 2004 - Scans from November 2004 issue of Film Review magazine.

Review (1) - (Single image; unknown origin)

Review (2) - (Single image; unknown origin)

Additional miscellanea can be found in the The Exorcist III (Film) > Variations section. Here you will find an image of Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise at the premiere of The Exorcist III, as well as some new posters, a new lobby card, and so on.


Posted on June 3, 2009 | Discuss This Post


:: Forum Downtime

Unfortunately, my web host recently had a horrible catastrophe happen with their sever, and a lot of people have lost the content for their websites. All of had fortunately been backed up, but I am going to have to re-create the forum, as none of the databases were saved. Please be patient.


Posted on March 16, 2009 | Discuss This Post


:: Mark Kermode talks about the lost Legion footage

Mark Kermode, another fellow Blatty, Ninth Configuration and Legion enthusiast, recently spoke once again about the "lost" Exorcist III (Legion) footage, which can be read about in more detail at the following links:

Mark claims that the quest for the missing footage is "ongoing". Don't forget to keep an eye on the upcoming book by my dear friend, Erik Myers, which will detail this continuing debacle from its very inception to the present day quest for the long lost footage. Here is the link to the video, which I have also embedded below:


Posted on January 27, 2009 | Discuss This Post


:: American Exorcist news; more rare material added; The Exorcist III book news!

As posted at the American Exorcist microsite, advanced copies of American Exorcist: Critical Essays On William Peter Blatty have been distributed! Very exciting times ahead indeed. Click on the thumbnails below to view larger images:

Front Cover

Back Cover



Additionally, two new trailers have been added to the "rare" section of the site:

Not counting the official trailer released on The Exorcist III DVD, there are now four different trailers available to download in the Rare Images / Video, Etc section: the rare, unreleased "head morphing" trailer; an alternate edit not found on the DVD; another version of the edit, and a fan-made trailer. Be sure to check them all out when you get the chance!

Extensive updates to are forthcoming; much is now going on in the world of "The Evolution Of William Peter Blatty's The Exorcist III: From Concept To Novel To Screen"!


Posted on September 25, 2008 | Discuss This Post


:: Further Updates

As posted on the main page, Rich Savine was kind enough to supply with a variety of material. You can now find scans of the UK promotional photos for The Exorcist III and a review of The Exorcist III from Samhain magazine at the following links:

Additionally, I have added an alternate trailer for The Exorcist III in rare section. This trailer differs from both the one available on The Exorcist III DVD, and the rare, unreleased "head morphing" trailer. Check it out here:


Posted on March 27, 2008 | Discuss This Post


:: More Rare Images

Today I finally acquired The Exorcist & Legion (Classic Screenplays) book, which I discovered contains two rare images. Additionally, I also noticed a two-second behind-the-scenes clip of Nicol Williamson as Father Morning in the "Curse of The Exorcist" E! documentary. A still from that scene is also in the rare images miscellaneous gallery.


Posted on December 19, 2007 | Discuss This Post


:: American, German & Spanish Lobby Cards Added!

The rare images link now contains photos and scans of the American, German and Spanish lobby card sets, along with the French lobby card set that I uploaded a little while ago. Please note that while the smaller German and French lobby cards could be scanned, the remaining American, Spanish and two larger German lobby cards had to be photographed, as they do not fit onto the scanner. The quality is compromised, but it is better than nothing!

Additionally, Bill Blatty recently gave me insight into the recurring rose throughout The Exorcist III film:

"Honestly, I'm not absolutely certain this is it, but my best recollection is that it was a homage to Nic Roeg's DON'T LOOK NOW in which every scene contained an object that was blood-red and portending the final appearance of the killer clad in a vivid red. As with Roeg's film, my roses always signified a death to come. At least that's how I recall it."


Posted on December 11, 2007 | Discuss This Post


:: "A Legion Of Interference" - Fangoria Issue #122 Scans

Mark Kermode and Erik Kristopher Myers have finally uncovered the coveted "A Legion Of Interference" Fangoria article, and kindly provided the website with images from the magazine. It is a remarkable read, and includes an early shot of Brad Dourif as The Gemini Killer that I have never seen before.

Check it out here. Countless thanks to Mr. Kermode and Mr. Myers!

Accounts such as these and more will be included in Erik's 2008 publication William Peter Blatty's The Exorcist III: From Concept To Novel To Screen. Please help support this project by visiting the MySpace page:


Posted on December 3, 2007 | Discuss This Post


:: Legion Call Sheet, Direct From Blatty's Home!

When long-time friend and Legion enthusiast Erik K. Myers recently paid William Peter Blatty a visit at his home, he was permitted to take these images of the call sheet from day one of the production of The Exorcist III. The piece is framed and hangs in Bill's study, adorning the inscription to his wife:

"Julie - This is beginning to look serious".

Check them out in the miscellaneous rare images section, or simply click on the thumbnails below.

Day One Call Sheet

Day One Call Sheet (Detail)

My endless gratitude goes out to Erik (who is presently working on the definitive non-fiction novel for Legion, tentatively titled "The Evolution Of William Peter Blatty's The Exorcist III: From Concept To Novel To Screen") for supplying this website with such invaluable material.

Look out for similar items to emerge in the weeks and months ahead!

A MySpace profile has also been created for Legion.


Posted on November 24, 2007 | Discuss This Post


:: German Film Programme

Scans from a German film programme are now available:


Posted on October 15, 2007 | Discuss This Post


:: New Magazine Scans / New Rare Image!

You will now find new magazine scans/articles related to Legion on the website:

Scans from the July 1990 edition of Cinefantastique magazine;

Scans from the December 1990 edition of Film Review magazine;

Additionally, a newly-discovered and rare still from The Exorcist III is contained in the former link, which I have added to the miscellaneous rare images gallery. View it here!


Posted on October 8, 2007 | Discuss This Post


:: The Exorcist III Crew Shirt? / Curious Images

**October 1 Additional Update**

In addition to the September 24 update regarding James Venamun's lobby cards and contributions, I have come across four additional images that I have not been able to identify in either his or my own personal collections. If you happen to have any more information pertaining to them, and are aware whether or not they are available in lobby card form, please e-mail me and let me know. I have listed them below:



James Venamun from the forum submitted these images of himself wearing a shirt that "the crew reportedly wore during the shoot" of The Exorcist III:


James Venamun's Crew Shirt (Front)

James Venamun's Crew Shirt (Back)


It looks quite legitimate to me!


Posted on September 30, 2007 | Discuss This Post


:: Updates

The following updates are now available to view:

Scans from the November 1989 edition of FEAR magazine;

Scans from the June 1990 edition of FEAR magazine;

Additionally, James Venamun from the TNC forum (who graciously provided the FEAR scans) has made his own, extensive Exorcist III collection - primarily consisting of hard-to-find promotional photographs - available to view. Click on the thumbnail below!


James Venamun's Collection


Scans of my own promotional photographs can be found in the following locations:


Posted on September 24, 2007 | Discuss This Post


:: New Scans Added

Several new scans have been added to the website:

Press Kit #2 - Images of an alternate Exorcist III press kit.

Press Kit [UK] - Images of The Exorcist III UK press kit.

Fangoria Magazine Issue #94 - Scans from issue #94 of Fangoria magazine - July 1990.

They can be located in The Exorcist III (Film) section.


Posted on July 28, 2007 | Discuss This Post


:: Further Updates

Two new links have been added to The Exorcist III (Film) section: "Original Cut" Saga and Press Kit.


Additional sections can now be found in The Exorcist III (Film) area.


Posted on June 25, 2007 | Discuss This Post


:: Updates

Further updates have been made in the Rare Images / Video, Etc section.

There you will find additional rare images, a clip of the E! True Hollywood Story: Curse Of The Exorcist containing data specifically in regard to The Exorcist III, along with the unreleased trailer featuring the infamous "head morphing" sequence.


Posted on June 10, 2007 | Discuss This Post

:: Film & Novels

Both the The Exorcist III (Film) and Legion (Novel) pages have been updated.

Enjoy, and please feel free to contribute to them!


Posted on May 21, 2007 | Discuss This Post

:: Rare Images Link Updated

You will now find a variety of rare images in the "Rare Images / Video, Etc" link above.


Posted on April 22, 2007 | Discuss This Post

:: Welcome!

Welcome to the Legion-specific section of

Please use the sub-menu above or below to navigate.


Posted on April 18, 2007 | Discuss This Post


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